Sri Lanka was exposed to the Western in 1505 with the advent of Portuguese, later Dutch and English respectively.
Out of all three western nations English ruled Ceylon nearly 130 years. English came 1796, with the invitation of Udarata King English came to chase away Dutch. But something unexpected happened. Ceylon became a British colony.
In year 1815, English concurred whole country, by way of famous 'Udarata Givisuma'. It was consisted with 12 articles. Breaking the promises English infringed it in broad daylight. Buddhism and Buddhist monks were neglected. This was a big struck.
Many were not pleased with English administration, this displeasure soon converted in to a struggle for independence. Seeds of the struggle came from Wellassa and later spreaded.
Apart from these reasons, appointment of Muslim Muhandiram called "Hajji Marikkar" to Wellassa was the closest for 1818 struggle. His appointment was considered as a underestimating the powers of Sinhala Disawes'. The struggle emerged from the elite society. English rulers dispatched Keppetipola Nilame to crush the rebels. But his unity with Sinhalese inflamed the struggle. When the news of Keppetipola's defection, Wariyapola Sri Sumangala Thero fled with the Tooth relic to Haguranketha. It was Sri Lankans' belief that whoever gets the Tooth Relic must rule the country.
But unfortunately several elites Molligodda, Eknaligoda did not support. Due to their divided principles the struggle went in vain. Meanwhile Wilbawe who was said to be the heir to the throne was not so. This too discouraged some. As well leaders of the struggles had no prior plan and consensus on the way how things should be. Inter personal hostilities emerged and some leaders wanted to battle alone.
Governor Brownrigg declared Marshal law and proclaimed seventeen leaders as traitors who went against the Law of the queen. And their property was confiscated. The whole Uva-Wellassa became a barren land , crops were destroyed and animals were killed. Ehelepola Nilame was banished to Murutius islands together with several chiefs, Keppetipola and Madugalla were tried and sentenced to the death. Keppetipola Nilame faced to the death in a manner any would inspire the nation.
In year 1815, English concurred whole country, by way of famous 'Udarata Givisuma'. It was consisted with 12 articles. Breaking the promises English infringed it in broad daylight. Buddhism and Buddhist monks were neglected. This was a big struck.
Many were not pleased with English administration, this displeasure soon converted in to a struggle for independence. Seeds of the struggle came from Wellassa and later spreaded.
Apart from these reasons, appointment of Muslim Muhandiram called "Hajji Marikkar" to Wellassa was the closest for 1818 struggle. His appointment was considered as a underestimating the powers of Sinhala Disawes'. The struggle emerged from the elite society. English rulers dispatched Keppetipola Nilame to crush the rebels. But his unity with Sinhalese inflamed the struggle. When the news of Keppetipola's defection, Wariyapola Sri Sumangala Thero fled with the Tooth relic to Haguranketha. It was Sri Lankans' belief that whoever gets the Tooth Relic must rule the country.
But unfortunately several elites Molligodda, Eknaligoda did not support. Due to their divided principles the struggle went in vain. Meanwhile Wilbawe who was said to be the heir to the throne was not so. This too discouraged some. As well leaders of the struggles had no prior plan and consensus on the way how things should be. Inter personal hostilities emerged and some leaders wanted to battle alone.
Governor Brownrigg declared Marshal law and proclaimed seventeen leaders as traitors who went against the Law of the queen. And their property was confiscated. The whole Uva-Wellassa became a barren land , crops were destroyed and animals were killed. Ehelepola Nilame was banished to Murutius islands together with several chiefs, Keppetipola and Madugalla were tried and sentenced to the death. Keppetipola Nilame faced to the death in a manner any would inspire the nation.
The body decays but not the name so as Keppetipola Nilame. His great skull was taken to England and returned to Ceylon after gaining independence. Skull was take and buried ceremonially at Bogambara opposite Dalada Maligawa. Following is few heroes who scarified their lives on behalf of the mother land in 1818 "Maha karella".
i) Keppetipola Nilame
ii)Kiwule Gedara Mohottala
iii)Bootawe Rate Rala
iv)Kohu Kumbure Rate Rala
v)Passerewatte Vidane etc...
Sinhalese war heroes who were sentenced to the capital punishment and expatriated were declared as the great war heroes (82 heroes) and patriots at a historic ceremony named ‘Uththamaabhiwandana’, which was organized by the Department of Government Information in year 2017 .
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