Kingship and governance in old Ceylon
Though Anuradapara kingdom has no specifically designed fortress, or protective creations, it survived nearly thousand years. "Raja Raja and Rajendra's" great invasion paved the way to change the kingdom. Polonnaruwa named as second kingdom of old Ceylon accordingly. Polonnaruwa" alias "Pulathisipura" too existed considerable period of time. I Vijayabahu fought and won against "Raja Raja and Rajendra" Dravidians who came from South India. I Vijayabahu was protected by a rural village headman called "Buddaraja alias Budalna" Later defeated Cholas. After unifying the country he had to renovate all the tanks devastated by Cholas. (Chola is mainly a rural state in South India, always invaded Ceylon whenever they become powerful ) His whole time was allocated for renovations. His foreign policy is note worthy. It was a great strategy used by the king, and it relates even today. According to him, having a strong relationship with close countries could be a great help for the future. Accordingly king married to Thiloka sundaree a queen from Kaling, and his sister married unto a prince from Pandya Deshaya. He was a far sighted king. This bond was much helpful throughout the Polonnaruwa kingdom.
King Parakramabahu I ,too unified the country. By his time Ceylon was divided in to few units, Dakkina Deshaya, Dolos Dahas Rata, Ata Dahas Rata, and Malaya Deshaya. Before becoming the king of Polonnaruwa he was the ruler of "Dakkina Deshaya".(now called Pas Yodun Rata, in Kaluthara district) Even that time, he nourished "Dakkina Deshaya"with rice, building sluices across Daduru oya. He could over run his power out of the country. Invasion of "Burma" was one of them. He too gave his maximum patronage to Buddhism as his ancestors had done. Agriculture, irrigation as well the Buddhism attained the maximum blessing in this era.
Since there was no son born to Parakramabahu I, Nishshankamalla came in to power. Following the death of king Parakramabahu Country became unstable. Nishshankamalla's kingship created a new dynasty called "Kalinga" . He too wanted to get the royalty and respect from people. He had to earn it with a great effort. His Non-Buddhist origin made this situation and later on he adopted and practiced the ways of Sinhalese Buddhist kings, respecting Buddhist monks and building temples and tanks for cultivation. Following the death of Nishshshankamalla, the age of dark came. Many came in to the power some were queens and some were officials who bore top positions when the king was alive. But none one them was success. "Kalinga Maga" who had a Dravidian origin came from South India, got the opportunity and perished the kingdom when King "Parakrama Pandya" was in throne.
Vijayabahu II was the first king of Dambadeniya kingdom. After occupying the Tooth Relic he established the kingship and later on Prakramabahu II came in to the power, who fully defeated the "Kaling Maga" and unified the country. "Kaling Maga" had perished all the irrigation system in Anuradapura, Pollonnaruwa therefore renovations had to be done. Prakramabahu II revamped the Buddhist monk under the guidance of Dimbulagala Medalankara Thero. It was an agreement called "Dimbulagala Kathikawatha". The disciplinary codes were re written. With all these efforts king was praised. And many Buddhist related books were written. Following the death of Prakramabahu II Dmbadeniya kingdom collapse due to the uncertain political struggle prevailed.
Dambadeniya kingdom was significant in many ways. It is located in wet zone where rain is frequent and conducive surrounding for commercial crops other than paddy. With these changes building tanks for agricultural purposes declined, commercial crops including spices invaded and run the economy. In era of Yapahuwa, kingdom was attacked by North, South as well west. It was invaded by "Pandyans"(Pandyan is mainly a rural state in South India, this was the closest to ancient Ceylon) All these time by the sake of "Tooth Relic" kingship was protected. By the time of Gampola elite families emerged and played a major role in royal courtyard. They were very close to the kings and there were times they surpassed the kings. Family of "Nishshanka Alagakkonara" is one of them. "Veera Alakeshwara" was minister and advisor to the Vikramabahu III in Gampola Kingdom another elite blood. By this time Jaffna kngdom was spreading its power till Kotte. In order to face these threats a fortress was built in Kotte.
However King Parakramabahu VI was the prominent king in the kingdom who unified the country. He defeated King Aryan Chakkarawarthi who has been dominated in North Kingdom for a long period. Buddhism as well the nationalism was his theme in the process of unifying the country. Under the patronage of Thotagamuwe Rahula Thero he ruled the country. By Gampola kingdom commercial transactions got the prominence in econnomy. Merchants were around the cities and harbors, and kings too facilitated them as much as they could. As a result of this open economy , western world wanted to deal with country which is full of resources. With the demise of Great King Parakramabahu VI , unitary system diminished. This was a great doorway for those who were waiting to enter in to the country.
With the famous "Vijayaba Kollaya" Kotte kingdom split in to three separate hostile units. Vijayabahu, Mayadunne and Raigam Bandara ruled Kotte, Seethawaka and Raigama respectively after killing their own father. The result was a nightmare. Vijayabahu who ruled Kotte, heavily depend on Portuguese against his brother Seethawaka Mayadunna who was fill with fighting spirit. Dharamapala who was Buwanekabahu's grand son grew under the influence of Portuguese bore liberal oriented personality who changed the ancient kingship in Ceylon. At the very first time in Sri Lankan history Darmapala was baptized and converted in to Roman Catholic and became the king of Kotte. By the time Seethawaka kingdom too lost its pride. Seethawaka was the fortress to the buddhism. But the arbitrary behavior of king Rajasinghe I, devastated Seethawaka by his own hands.
By the time of Kandyan kingdom English had invaded the coastal line and by 1815 the whole country was under English men. Traditional kingship was diminishing, Sriwickrama Rajasinghe Rajasinghe was the last king of Sri Lankan history. By the time of Kandyan kingdom king was becoming most powerful. The behavior of Sri wickrama Rajasinghe was totally difference with his predecessors who held this possession. This made a great displeasure in the mind of elites and loyalty dissapeared, disrespect towards the Buddhism was unbearable for them. Therefore the revolt was emerged among those who were much faithful to king. As seen in the Anuradapura, Polonnaruwa kingdoms, though king is much powerful he was not arbitrary at all. Whereas King Sri wickrama Rajasinghe made all up side down. Judiciary was used in order to kill all those who went against him. Eg- Killing of Ehalepola Kumarihami and her children.
King lost his his faithful crew as result of neglecting Buddhism, and common touch. Like before Kandyan king was the owner of the all lands in the country. Kandyan kingdom was divided in to nine (9) large units called "Rata" . "Rate Rala" was the chief, administrated the area on behalf of the king. Elite entitled considerable amount of portions as a token of appreciation on behalf of their great contribution towards the country. And most Temples and Devala had many lands, those were gifted by the king. This had been a practice all the time.
Since the day of shifting kingdoms towards South West, economic of the country commercialized gradually. With the invasion of Europeans, plantation as well export import took a considerable place in the economy. It was a liberal but totally novel concept to the traditional Lankan society. With Liberal ideology kingship was refereed as a factor of destroying the liberty and freedom of ones. The "Rajakari Kramaya (process comes from ages, which ask male in the village to assist for the common deeds of the village without wages. Like building tanks, temples, renovations ) too was considered as slavery system which was not so at all. British broke the promises as said in 1815 Agreement and created their own administration system which is totally difference with the ancient ruling. Kingship died, Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe was banished to Vellore, India. It was too late when elite understand the fault they had done. Negative impacts of the English administration was equal to them too.
Sri Lankans lost their own ruling system, which was unique and more democratic than today. Today what we all have is mere word, Liberalism the world is there , but there was no liberalism in action at all. Though there was no big words under kingship , it was there, kings were considered as the Gods, they too devoted whole life on behalf of the country and subjects.
Accordingly kingship which donated much, even to the future generation faded away.Whereas we are still praise what kingship had done.
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Dambadeniya kingdom was significant in many ways. It is located in wet zone where rain is frequent and conducive surrounding for commercial crops other than paddy. With these changes building tanks for agricultural purposes declined, commercial crops including spices invaded and run the economy. In era of Yapahuwa, kingdom was attacked by North, South as well west. It was invaded by "Pandyans"(Pandyan is mainly a rural state in South India, this was the closest to ancient Ceylon) All these time by the sake of "Tooth Relic" kingship was protected. By the time of Gampola elite families emerged and played a major role in royal courtyard. They were very close to the kings and there were times they surpassed the kings. Family of "Nishshanka Alagakkonara" is one of them. "Veera Alakeshwara" was minister and advisor to the Vikramabahu III in Gampola Kingdom another elite blood. By this time Jaffna kngdom was spreading its power till Kotte. In order to face these threats a fortress was built in Kotte.
However King Parakramabahu VI was the prominent king in the kingdom who unified the country. He defeated King Aryan Chakkarawarthi who has been dominated in North Kingdom for a long period. Buddhism as well the nationalism was his theme in the process of unifying the country. Under the patronage of Thotagamuwe Rahula Thero he ruled the country. By Gampola kingdom commercial transactions got the prominence in econnomy. Merchants were around the cities and harbors, and kings too facilitated them as much as they could. As a result of this open economy , western world wanted to deal with country which is full of resources. With the demise of Great King Parakramabahu VI , unitary system diminished. This was a great doorway for those who were waiting to enter in to the country.
With the famous "Vijayaba Kollaya" Kotte kingdom split in to three separate hostile units. Vijayabahu, Mayadunne and Raigam Bandara ruled Kotte, Seethawaka and Raigama respectively after killing their own father. The result was a nightmare. Vijayabahu who ruled Kotte, heavily depend on Portuguese against his brother Seethawaka Mayadunna who was fill with fighting spirit. Dharamapala who was Buwanekabahu's grand son grew under the influence of Portuguese bore liberal oriented personality who changed the ancient kingship in Ceylon. At the very first time in Sri Lankan history Darmapala was baptized and converted in to Roman Catholic and became the king of Kotte. By the time Seethawaka kingdom too lost its pride. Seethawaka was the fortress to the buddhism. But the arbitrary behavior of king Rajasinghe I, devastated Seethawaka by his own hands.
By the time of Kandyan kingdom English had invaded the coastal line and by 1815 the whole country was under English men. Traditional kingship was diminishing, Sriwickrama Rajasinghe Rajasinghe was the last king of Sri Lankan history. By the time of Kandyan kingdom king was becoming most powerful. The behavior of Sri wickrama Rajasinghe was totally difference with his predecessors who held this possession. This made a great displeasure in the mind of elites and loyalty dissapeared, disrespect towards the Buddhism was unbearable for them. Therefore the revolt was emerged among those who were much faithful to king. As seen in the Anuradapura, Polonnaruwa kingdoms, though king is much powerful he was not arbitrary at all. Whereas King Sri wickrama Rajasinghe made all up side down. Judiciary was used in order to kill all those who went against him. Eg- Killing of Ehalepola Kumarihami and her children.
Since the day of shifting kingdoms towards South West, economic of the country commercialized gradually. With the invasion of Europeans, plantation as well export import took a considerable place in the economy. It was a liberal but totally novel concept to the traditional Lankan society. With Liberal ideology kingship was refereed as a factor of destroying the liberty and freedom of ones. The "Rajakari Kramaya (process comes from ages, which ask male in the village to assist for the common deeds of the village without wages. Like building tanks, temples, renovations ) too was considered as slavery system which was not so at all. British broke the promises as said in 1815 Agreement and created their own administration system which is totally difference with the ancient ruling. Kingship died, Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe was banished to Vellore, India. It was too late when elite understand the fault they had done. Negative impacts of the English administration was equal to them too.
Sri Lankans lost their own ruling system, which was unique and more democratic than today. Today what we all have is mere word, Liberalism the world is there , but there was no liberalism in action at all. Though there was no big words under kingship , it was there, kings were considered as the Gods, they too devoted whole life on behalf of the country and subjects.
Accordingly kingship which donated much, even to the future generation faded away.Whereas we are still praise what kingship had done.
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