1818 INDEPENDENCE STRUGGLE (UDARATA MAHA KARELLA) Sri Lanka was exposed to the Western in 1505 with the advent of Portuguese, later Dutch and English respectively. Out of all three western nations English ruled Ceylon nearly 130 years. English came 1796, with the invitation of Udarata King English came to chase away Dutch. But something unexpected happened. Ceylon became a British colony. In year 1815, English concurred whole country, by way of famous 'Udarata Givisuma'. It was consisted with 12 articles. Breaking the promises English infringed it in broad daylight. Buddhism and Buddhist monks were neglected. This was a big struck. Many were not pleased with English administration, this displeasure soon converted in to a struggle for independence. Seeds of the struggle came from Wellassa and later spreaded. Apart from these reasons, appointment of Muslim Muhandiram called "Hajji Marikkar" to Wellassa was the closest for 1818 struggle. His appoin...